
Elizabeth RaineOur minister, the reverend Elizabeth Raine, Joined Tuggeranong Uniting at the end of 2018. She brings a passion for biblical study and helping the congregation to be biblically literate and able to share their faith in an authentic way. Elizabeth also has a passion for mission and helping the congregation build strong community connection and to make Tuggeranong Uniting a place of welcome and service.Minister for relations m

Minister for Relationships and Growth

In 2022, the Reverend Sharon Jacobs joined the team in a specialist role to focus on building the congregation through "growing young" and establishing strong bonds with the wider community. Sharon works with chidden, youth and families as well as the Rainbow Christian Fellowship. Sharon works part time and she also works at Uniting Amala as a haplain.

Church Administrator

Kerry manages the church office and keeps things on track for the congregation and supports the minister in her or his ministry as well as administrative tasks. Kerry also manages the Erindale Neighbourhood Centre. Kerry's office hours are 9.00am to 12.00pm Tuesday to Friday.